
SYSPRO on the Go – Canadian Roadshow

Halifax Ontario, Canada

The 17th  will be training sessions only (2 in the am / 2 in the pm) – There will be a cost associated The 18th  will be a free afternoon meeting and then a cocktail party We will be following up in the next few weeks with additional details on the “SYSPRO on the Go […]

SYSPRO on the Go – Canadian Roadshow

Toronto Ontario, Toronto, Canada

The 21st  will be training sessions only (2 in the am / 2 in the pm) – There will be a cost associated The 22nd will be a free afternoon meeting and then a cocktail party We will be following up in the next few weeks with additional details on the “SYSPRO on the Go […]

SYSPRO on the Go – Canadian Roadshow

Vancouver , Canada

The 5th will be training sessions only (2 in the am / 2 in the pm) – There will be a cost associated The 6th will be a free afternoon meeting and then a cocktail party We will be following up in the next few weeks with additional details on the “SYSPRO on the Go […]

DDBRIX Toronto Workshop

SHEA Global Head Office 45 Vogell Road, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

Stop Managing Supply Chain Chaos

What if the tools we’re using are not solving the problem? Your boss hands you a list of high-dollar parts to reduce inventory levels.  You notice that most parts on the list are the ones that you need to expedite.  What do you do? Finance has declared that you should cut inventory by 10% across […]